Director Message


I consistently believe that true education is one that makes us a good human being. A child is like wet mud we, as teachers and parents, need to shape them in a right manner. I firmly believe that education is a partnership and as teachers and parents we must work together so that our children can always ‘Reach for the Stars!’ Every student need to set the goal and be after them to make it possible. If we are good receiver, our environment has potential to teach us new things at every moment. Nature teaches us a lot. Nature is the source of knowledge. Its each element reflects a value and imparts a message. Rivers teach to flow with the time and situation. Mountains are inspiration to touch the sky. Trees teach about selfless service. Mother Earth teaches us to be humble and patient.

Every child is unique and a bundle of innate talent, waiting to flourish. A teacher should try to find out and encourage the hidden genius. Education is a triangular process between the school, parent and child. Active interaction among all stake holders leads to bring out the best in a student’s mind and body.

Student life is the most appropriate time to learn discipline, which becomes an integral part of one’s personality. A disciplined student is always loved by teachers and parents.

Dr. Alok kr. Sharma
(Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Ed.)